Yogi Bhajan的演講:穿著白色




[1975年夏天,英文版 『我是女人』156 頁]


我們穿白色衣物是因為它是個簡單又科學的事實,每個東西或材料都有一英尺半的能量圈(Aura),每個動物都有三英尺半的能量圈,如果我們穿棉製品,並且是白色的話,以顏色理論來說,這又多了一英尺的能量圈。(1英呎 = 30.48 公分;1 foot = 30.48 cm)

我信任我的學生都行為正直,但萬一他們行為如動物般,他們仍有規範,有範圍的,那就是這樣了,你們必須穿天然纖維,必須都穿白色,這是純然的顏色療法,這又稱能量圈顏色療法。[真實之珠,1981春天] (註:此為暫翻)

我們採用這個顏色是因為我們的背景,以及為了支持我們的環境。我們要求你們穿白色,因此你會將外境反映出來,並走入自己之內 --- 這是白色衣服能為你做的。





© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan


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Yogi Bhajan Lecture Excerpts: Wearing White

We wear white because it's a simple scientific fact that every piece of matter or material has a foot and a half aura. Every animal has a three and a half foot aura. Every human has a nine foot aura. And if we wear cotton and we wear white, this color therapy gives us one extra foot of aura. 

I trust my students will behave right. But in case they behave like animals, they will still have a margin, an edge. That is what it's all about. You have to wear a natural fiber and you have to wear white. It's a pure color therapy and it's called auric color therapy.
[Beads of Truth, Spring 1981]

We adopted this color because of our background and to support our development. We ask you to wear white so that you will reflect what is outside and go within yourself—that’s what white clothes can do for you. 

When you are totally dressed in white, the entire face reflects it, and then it is very difficult to become intimate. Wearing white demands that the other person deal with you on a higher level, because that person has to concentrate himself in order to advance.

The most difficult thing on this planet is to wear white top to bottom; but it is also the greatest therapy. Some people think we are laying a trip. We are not laying a trip on anyone. We wear yellow. We wear blue. We know these colors, and we know their reaction. Sit in your own living room with a yellow house turban on—and then a white house turban. You will find the difference. Colors create an uncontrollable action in your subconscious mind of inspiration, productivity and expansion. Colors have an excessive effect on consciousness. 

We wanted to develop a very fast, progressive, spiritual and technical method of all the colors, so we have adopted the one color of the seven colors, which is white. To you, white is just one color, but to me it is the total balance of seven colors.

[Summer 1975, published in I Am a Woman, p. 156.]

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